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    Teresa - If you want to start the forum, I'll volunteer to play mediator, diplomat or bouncer. I've just told…
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  • That's pretty impressive.
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  • Not Buffy either. It's just an old habit when signing up for anything to grab whatever I happen to be…
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  • Hey wait just a minute!!! I was seriously laughing about everything above - honest. I felt compelled to go on…
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  • Hi snakelass - I noticed that too. In fact I had you in mind when I made a crack about…
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  • Be glad you missed it. That was... um Friday I think. There's no reason to carry it on - it's…
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  • yep - I wore myself out earlier with a diary sized comment about the recent pro-choice/ratings abuse fiasco. It was…
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  • and posted a comment there 15 seconds after you posted here. That's too cool...
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  • too funny!!! I was just over in your diary.
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  • You've just made my week! IIRC - you showed up describing yourself as more of a lurker with the intention…
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  • I think we lost a couple of newbies in here. I'm tempted to blame the bear.
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  • yep - managed - but only the moderator can send invites ...
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  • yourself, but I'm quite content to thank you for doing whatever you had to do to put it all back…
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  • a quite lengthy and fabulously stupid and embarrassing comment I was about to send. I still love ya'
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  • well, I'm there, but for the life of me, I can't remember user and pass for yahoo. And once I…
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  • feels good, doesn't it?
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  • I like it. Now I'll just have to stumble my way around yahoo groups until I get the hang of…
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  • Yep, In my earlier comment I claimed it was probably my bad... now I know it was - got that…
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