Yesterday, as I was outside feeding the birds, my next-door neighbor walked over to bring me the little local paper. He wanted to tell me that he’s taken with the writings of Paul Krugman, whose column is temporarily replacing that of the vacationing Thomas Friedman.

Today, he brought me three freshly picked tomatoes. I stood over the kitchen sink and bit into the fleshy flavorful fruit, catching the juices with my tongue.

“HAL was up $2.51 a share today (4.03%),” my neighbor told me today. He watches such things as Halliburton’s stock, because it interests him and a bit because I shared with him the enriching opportunities awaiting Halliburton following Katrina’s devastation.

HAL. It reminded me of the nation’s uncontrolled, meaningless and mean-spirited odyssey since 2001.

[Regarding the supposed failure of the parabolic antenna on the ship, which HAL himself falsified]

HAL: It can only be attributable to human error.

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