From the Boston Herald I learn that The Donald thinks Mitt Romney should pick The Donald as his running mate. Apparently, The Donald suggested this to NewsMax. How’s that for Stupid? But if you think The Stupid can be contained in this election cycle, think again.

Recently, songstress Cher trash-tweeted the likely GOP nominee, saying, “If Romney gets elected, I don’t know if I can breathe the same air as Him & his Right Wing Fascist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters.”

Donald Trump fired back defending Romney, tweeting “@Cher should stop with the bad plastic surgery and nasty statements about good people running for office. I can’t stand her computer enhanced voice or music.”

I feel like they should be debating Reagan and Mondale, not Obama and Romney. Now, do you need more Stupid? Here you go:

Billionaire investor Joe Ricketts, who dropped plans for a $10 million advertising blitz linking President Obama with the fiery race-based rhetoric of the Rev. Jeremia Wright, “is involved in another effort slated for this summer, a documentary film based on a widely criticized book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage by Dinesh D’Souza, which asserts that Mr. Obama is carrying out the ‘anticolonial’ agenda of his Kenyan father,” the New York Times reports.

Since the story first broke about Joe Ricketts soliciting a plan to inject Jeremiah Wright back into the mix, his children’s’ Chicago Cubs have lost 10 straight games and the owners can’t get the mayor to answer their phone calls. That’s a shame because Rahm Emanuel was trying to find a way to help them renovate Wrigley Field.

What’s Stupid in your world?

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