According to Colin Woodard, Terry McAuliffe won in the Tidewater region of Virginia (as he defines it) by a 52-41-7 margin, and lost in the Great Appalachian region (as he defines it) by a 36-57-6 margin. That’s interesting because it’s a different measure than north and south or urban vs. rural. In fact, McAuliffe did pretty well in some of the Tidewater’s most sparely populated counties, but he was absolutely crushed in the sparsely populated areas of Appalachia. The only places where McAuliffe did reasonably well in Appalachia were college towns.

I keep hearing that the people of Appalachia prize self-reliance and personal liberty, but I also keep seeing statistics that they have a level of reliance on federal anti-poverty programs that is comparable to our country’s worst ghettoes.

It’s like a whole region has been conditioned to say “Keep your government hands off my Medicare, I need this scooter to get my food stamps.”

I’m tired of listening to their hypocritical bullshit. It’s long past time that these morans get a brain.

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