[Essentially same diary can be found at DailyKos.]

There are ways and then there are WAYS to ring in the New Year.  Why not have some fun and at the same time help Chef/Partner Morou  (Don’t you just love one-name celebrity wannabes?) and the folks at the swanky DC eatery owned (still?) by everybody’s favorite villain — and who knew. . . gourmet, Jack Abramoff — that wants to be “formerly known as Signatures”?  Can you help them find a new name?  Click and submit your suggestions at Signatures  Special Page.
That’s right, Signatures, as the WSJ calls it, is

“. . .DC’s Meeting Spot for Movers and Shakers.” Home to many of Washington’s most recognizable* political figures. . .

*Read right-wing.  Well, maybe Anne Coulter could get a square meal there.

Admittedly, for some of those movers, the only thing they’re being served these days are indictments.  But that’s all right.  Signatures prides itself on its museum quality collection of archival historical documents.  As they put it, “. . .historic artifacts and rare political memorabilia, which are available for purchase if you so desire.”  Sure, who wouldn’t want a signed copy of the arrest warrant on fraud charges that was served on Abramoff this year?

And what’s a New Year’s Eve without a soupcon of nostalgia?  Remember this diary by Kossack, Kargo X?

And what’s a New Year’s Eve without revisiting earlier predictions?  Here’s one from Kargo X’s diary.

Signatures, I predict, will become a major hub in the Abramoff investigation, and it will be the link to ethics violations by literally dozens of House Republicans.

Abramoff is probably wishing this very night, while his lawyers work out a plea deal in a Miami court, that he could give new meaning to the phrase “cook the books.”  He’s probably not alone in his wishful thinking.  I bet plenty of Republican Congressional figures are suffering indigestion over what Abramoff’s prepared to regurgitate.

So, have a good time at some scallawag’s expense and pick an appropriate name.  Oh, in case you’re wondering, my choice was “Stick a Fork in It.”  What’s yours?

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