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    Because this is an amusing place to be 🙂
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  • You are the enemy of my enemy..so are you my friend of my enemy?
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  • All I would like to say is the lesson from grammar class.  The English teacher would say I'm criticizing your…
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  • delete (been)gracias
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  • Great diary Duke...I'm still wondering how he answered the question citizenship form: 1) Have you ever commited a crime or…
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  • like burnt peppers???
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  • Becarful..we don't want a diary my three days in Agua Prieta.
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  • A question of leadership and not appeasement to the Republicans.  The lesson of 9/11 is that it did not happen…
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  • don't be a prick rule with this diary.  How can that SOB of a principal still be employed.  If those…
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  • Wow this conversation sure did take strange turn. And I'm not ARmando on steroids.
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  • happy??
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  • Dood is nothing sacred from the fair game theory? But word around the ranch is that the VP thought those…
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  • Has anyone fact-checked Rummy's remark that there are 5,000 to 6,000 retired Generals. Because to me that seem very high…
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  • I don't see why Rumsfeld needs W's permission to leave his post.  It is the most pathetic portrait of our…
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  • I would send him a box full of 2300 minature U.S. flags and include a book about Responsiblity.  A small…
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  • now I can got back to sleep, but I'm afraid I'll have nightmares after seeing that post IVG.
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  • move to firefox..safer,better, quicker, and tab browsing is great.
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  • Sorry, but I'm starting to get afraid of going to the barber, what if my hair doesn't grow back??
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  • I think you will find it nice to have a wireless connection. And laptops are just as good, if not…
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