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    I think you should be aware that your writings are an excellent source of information. Don't stop.
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  • He should have taken his bribe in Halliburton stock only.
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  • We didn't have a President who sat on his ass for 7 minutes while America was under attack during "MAD"…
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  • No argument there, but you only had to watch for 3 games....were suffering over here til Oct.2.
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  • the owners of the Kansas City, Royal$ would like to thank all the St. Louis fan$ who filled up Kauffman…
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  • And they said we would be greeted as liberators, we have enough troops to stay the course, with a plan…
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  • Maybe that is why they wanted onlyh 6 month sign up period, so those horror stories would not be out…
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  • like who's going to ask granma to go heat up some more tortillas when she just sat down? be prepared…
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  • No, but I thought is was funny that you mentioned the difference between store bought and homemade...because I was going…
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  • of course if there homemade you should have the decency to leave at least 1/4 of tortilla..
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  • what's wrong is everyone afraid to post first, come'on it not like taking the last tortilla at the dinner table
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  • do you really own a hookah and is that legal in AZ?
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  • Every day is margarita season..we are talking about a drink right??
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  • Well for fun, you can try to bribe the band to play the song "you can have her she's to…
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  • NDD is that because under W he has promoted sucking as much oil as possible out the ground?
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  • I don't think you have been to a Catholic wedding until you done it Latino style. It begins with a…
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  • pretty well...I'm just checking to see if the Earth still spins around the sun. Actually just got back from crossing…
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  • I guess when I was in grade school and it was pioneer days(crossing the prarie)..I should have said "hey vatos,…
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  • Or maybe Sen. Roberts believes in the North Korea life style... no civil liberties..traffic police directing traffic at intersections with…
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  • I got to St. Louis Tuesday night on a business trip and was out of "downtown" by 1:00 p.m....It's not…
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