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    deregulation...no accountability..sounds like an anarchist to me.  
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  • why does it hurt to listen to her answer..what is a Shida extremist??
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  • that's why Katie Couric was able to interview her and not let her be cute and get away from the…
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  • but look at that CNN meter..it goes up when she talks stupid?
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  • corruption and greed, wall street, people to the table, toxic mess, ever vigi lante, toxic market, main street, doesn't sound…
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  • I keep thinking of this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSdFIDygFwM when I see Gov. Palin be serious.
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  • because she's going to be talking directly to the American people...I can't take her seriously. She never answered the question.
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  • I don't know, won't say how I found this but I did. http://www.vermontteddybear.com/?tid=PalinBiden&ym_mid=1116395&ym_rid=belpre2100@sbcglobal.n et
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  • http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/religion/story/9ADD6A091C0F65B3862574D6000A2BCC?Op enDocument Sarah Palin, can run for the White house, but can't run her own house. Well according to So.…
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  • That LJ at No Quarter, turned into a Republican spoffer like Dood Abides. No one can, take that bullshit seriously.
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  • I can't figure this out, McCain is saying the treasury can purchase up to 1 trillion in home mortgages?? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080930/ap_on_el_pr/mccain
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  • you think they would do something like that with AIG or Freddie and Fannie, if the banks won't lend, use…
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  • High Ranking CIA Employee, accused of steering contracts to friends http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080929/ts_nm/us_cia_contracts
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  • well isn't under-funded company pension plans the other 800 pound gorilla in the room waiting to fail?? http://www.financialweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080407/REG/818031279/1036
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  • well because anything 100K is your loss. As i see it, I haven't bought a damn thing on Credit Since…
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  • no, really this big drop will bring some people into the market. My Ford is just as good as any…
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  • Nope, no big deal 7%. If Ford MoCo. hits 3.50 dollars a share I might go buy a few shares.
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  • nope, all the blame goes on the Republicans, if you do a little research over a big orange. The Republicans…
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  • No, Republicans found an opportunity to distance themselves from W and they took it. They don't really care about America.
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  • I wonder how many Republicans were short selling the Dow today. I think Pelosi, should just let the markets fall…
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