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    investor class, downscale working class is what McCain needs as voters...what bs on CnBC.
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  • talking head just called mccain was exercise in anger management
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  • healthcare avoidable freduian slip
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  • hehehehe scary when mccain does that
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  • headstart works, how can you reform one of the best programs ever..success by 6 mcCain. I like how republicans always…
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  • mccain wants to deregulate public education..
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  • mccain is against fructose corn syrup??
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  • why would McCain be for free trade, if it is going to displace American workers???
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  • and friend of a witch hunter...
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  • John McCain is mad, he is going to lose his temper real soon. the repugs on CNBC said if McCain…
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  • Republicans are always talking about money.. unless it is giving it to poor people
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  • McCain is whining..
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  • McCain just mentioned his the Boeing Tanker deal. Where two of his campaign staff were lobbying for EADS--Airbus- managed to…
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  • McCain hides behind Joe the Plumber, when people like McCain's 130 million dollar wife will benefit the most from the…
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  • why is it so difficult to listen to McCain, is it because he has to remember his lies or is…
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  • Maybe she just likes to see two guys fight. Good news is Palin is just as dense as John McCain,…
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  • Missouri going Blue,could mean landslide for Obama: http://www.firedupmissouri.com/
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  • He will drop the "Maverick" tag line and introduce a new one. John "The Bullet" McCain...capable of jumping hills faster…
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  • that's old news 02/28/2008...and I believe it was by his own party that raised the question..Mitt, Huckabe and the likes.
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  • the day he states how many "black" friends he has and when he talkes about the "brown" person who keeps…
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