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    your homeowner association will probably sue you, to enforce one of those covenants in the title about not letting your…
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  • Ed your argument is flawed,because if you bought an expensive car you can't afford it doesn't affect anyone but you…
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  • Booman don't forget about Al Franken in Minnesota, he is in a tight race only 300 votes down before the…
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  • I can see Kansas, sometimes.
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  • nope the City council banned her and so he moved the Mayor's office to his house.  It is really an…
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  • This family values Republican getting a divorce after winning a seat from a Democrat: http://primebuzz.kcstar.com/?q=node/15595 And this moronic democratic mayor…
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  • who do you think Bush will pardon in his last days of office?
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  • oh I agree. But secrets of a campaign are usually not told to reporters unless to serve your own purpose.
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  • McCain got what he asked for, when it was apparent McCain wasn't going to win, those from the Romney camp…
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  • I'm glad the transition team is working to reverse orders designed to appease a few, instead of the majority of…
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  • Nevada, Colorado,New Mexico and Florida will be lost by the Republicans for a long time. It was their "secure borders",…
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  • any word about Traitor Joe, looks like he's changing camps... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081107/ap_on_go_co/lieberman_republicans
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  • The juvenile remark is "I don't feel tardy"
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  • I think a thorough accounting of the Bush years will silence the Conservative Republicans for a generation. "Every tree we…
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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecr-QvOukfM watch this, traitor joe must go
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  • The American public got tired of the top 1% percent stealing from the rest of us, with Bush tax give-aways.…
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  • What I really want to know is the Democratic Party done with Traitor Joe from Connecticut. Is he important, can…
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  • When Martin Luther King, Jr said  "And he allowed me to go up to the mountaintop. And I looked over...."…
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  • kinda makes me wonder after Nixon won with 58% percent of the vote: http://www.kansascity.com/ But we our no longer the…
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  • msnbc calls ohio to obama
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