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    answering my own question? why didn't they use them? http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Society_&_Culture/improved_patriot.html
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  • Doesn't Israel have Patriot Missile batteries to shoot down incoming missiles from Hamas? I was just wondering out loud.
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  • If one uses Cheney 1%  percent doctrine there is a 99% percent chance your wrong. I think the illegal detention…
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  • So Israel has invaded 2  other democracies in the Middle East, Lebanon and Gaza. Can't really defend either side in…
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  • is that why google maps blocks or shades Greenland. Someone pointed this out a year or two ago. http://www.maplandia.com/greenland/
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  • Coleman fits the phrase of "be careful what you ask for."
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  • i heard on CNBC The Fed will add 2 trillion more to its balance sheet in 2009. And that banks…
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  • yes, but that is what is wrong with Dick and Gonzo. As a country were better an eye-for-an eye, we…
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  • Just Send Cheney to The Hague and Gonzo as his enabler.
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  • A lost decade is the most appropriate description of 2000 to 2009. I think Katrina was the worst moment in…
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  • Just because a lawyer says you can torture does not change the wording or true meaning of the Geneva Convention.…
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  • I read this one frequently http://lauramartinez.wordpress.com/
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  • I thought that Magic Negro was Colin Powell or maybe JC Watts. I can't believe in 2008 we have the…
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  • What is this all about don't blame W time? "He became vice president well before George Bush picked him," Wilkerson…
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  • In these tough economic times, maybe the National Archives should leave W's papers in Washington. I cannot believe a Presidential…
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  • Make Love Not War....If only the Neocons who invaded Iraq would've taken those "blue" pills.
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  • off subject but still about bastards..how this one sob talking about trash about a bastard.. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/12/24/pat-robertson-criticizes-bush-praises-obama/#more-33 494
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  • I think you said it a "soulless bastard" who probably eats little kittens for lunch.
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  • Apparently some people still don't know where in the world is Carmen San Diego or Hawaii. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_in_the_World_Is_Carmen_Sandiego%3F_(game_show).
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  • In a George Bush economy a metal pole is what most can afford.
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