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    The Budget deficit is too high how can we afford this plane that doesn't work. However, I foresee Republicans lining…
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  • Noticed that supersized toilet paper rolls are no longer even numbers 6 rolls = 16, instead of 18.
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  • Greed is for Wall Street and Main Street is left to Hope. Last November Citibank,a Zombie Bank-because it received TARP…
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  • What surprised me was the AIG CEO saying he hated giving out the bonus checks, tooo. A real CEO would…
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  • What things will he write about, I can only imagine??? "Condi, Dick, JA, and I were siting around the fireplace…
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  • it's all about greed, nothing more http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/aig_cuomo
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  • The cure to the AIG bonus problem is very simple. And can be solved in the following manner: 1)Open an…
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  • Anyone who is wealthy and has the courage to "Going Galt" can always renounce their U.S. Citizenship and go live…
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  • I think we may have to use the same tactics used against Republicans to get the "Blue Dogs" in line.…
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  • TicketMASTER..name fits the company. Until some internet guru comes up with an internet solution to that monopoly. Or maybe the…
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  • You forgot the most important line that he yelled "Long Live Iraq." I thin the guy should be pardoned.
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  • Inhofe is for porn over the public airwaves..at least that's what I take by his sentence any attempt to regulate…
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  • Any Order FDR--Social Security, got us out of the Great Depression Jimmy Carter--maybe not so much for his Presidency but…
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  • I think the dow will tank too, but near 6300 points. What bugs the S@@t out of me is how…
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  • Seeing Karl Rove, attacking Obama on ABC This morning makes me sick. Dems. need to kick the Republicans while their…
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  • obama's plan is fine with me. i think he draw down quicker, so the Iraqis can stand-up. (remember that bs…
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  • wow, what a prick. I think the short list just got a little Shorter. All we need is Dem. acting…
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  • Republican governors who don't want stimulus money. And Citibank, just nationalize them and get it over with.
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  • I believe WKPR in Cincinnati is the best theme song, followed by TAXI.
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  • "hip-hop" is the cure for everything and I'm actually happy their doing this "hip" stuff. Because, in 2010 the Dems…
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