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    maybe Bag, forgot to say "yes Godfather" when asked to appoint Baracks friend to the Senate. Let Bag. have his…
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  • I agree with AG. If the prosecutor had an open and shut case he Fitz would not need an additional…
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  • a minute 1:14 is about as much as I can watch.
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  • i can't get it to post because of something about a full screen, before you touch this link..have your air…
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  • It can only get better after 8 years of having an Administration that looked after the "narrow interest of a…
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  • I think Coryn just wanted a list of the donors so W knows where he can get money for his…
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  • for some reason this reminds me of the court scene from the movie Casino. Where the old-timers come up lame…
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  • O'Reily will turn into a version Lou Dobbs. A single issue, anti-immigrant hater who pretends to be looking out for…
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  • Its finally an end to the oval office being a "no bummer zone"..tomorrow you can tell the President of the…
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  • that was a good game
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  • Traveling to Kansas City, make sure your not eating this... http://www.nbcactionnews.com/news/local/story/Whats-For-Dinner-How-About-Raccoon/TUrTefEX9EG5BeLcltX 5yw.cspx?rss=764
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  • Actually I think Madoff is a stupid criminal. I think even W has an "out"..his ranch in Paraguay. Madoff's own…
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  • My $1.50 is Bush issues pardons after 7:00 p.m EST Sunday Night. Misses News cycle, or after NFL football and…
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  • Or like "Walker" Texas Ranger...
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  • I sure the shredders are over-heating ever since Eric Holder said "Water boarding is Torture."
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  • Rain of Gold by Victor E. Villasenor
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  • And I thought only terrorist/insurgent/ thugs in Iraq targeted the UN. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28651944/ http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/iraq/un-hq-baghdad-bombing.htm I think Israel has crossed the line…
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  • White House spokesperson Dana Perino said the president wasn't aware that it was his last scheduled flight on Air Force…
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  • I think spending a little of that American Aid would be better off than invading your neighbor. And if you…
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  • maybe they need a few more...? http://www.imemc.org/article/52884
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