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    I think Hillary Clinton may be her own person and a team player for Team Obama. I'm sure she will…
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  • Anyone notice that being an Attorney General for W is not a healthy position. John Ashcroft got sick and was…
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  • I hope President Elect Obama picks a Republican Senator from a State with a Democratic Governor. In the name of…
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  • why does it not work, what needs to be fixed? just wondering
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  • Actually, I think she's a good appointment. But I hate the name "Homeland Security" sound like something W thought up.…
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  • It takes 12 people to indict someone. Ever notice how little respect Republicans have for the law, when it affects…
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  • Kansas Republican retaliate against members who donated to Barack Obama. http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/story/895973.html
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  • VP Cheney and Gonzo indicted by South Texas Grand Jury http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081119/ap_on_re_us/cheney_indicted;_ylt=AnPvub5Mfx6STZK0_RpV1Wms0NUE
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  • Your telling me there is not one State Attorney General who is a "Law & Order" type of prosecutor that…
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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfJunZu22VU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecr-QvOukfM forgive and forget, I don't think so.
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  • Just wondering why President Bush is against helping GM, Ford and Chrysler? Did we get wage concessions from Bank of…
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  • that just makes me sick, Obama's first foolish mistake by supporting a Traitor to the Democratic Party. I think each…
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  • if thing get out of control, he can always fire her.
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  • BS..any Demo who speaks at a Republican National Convention should be fired from the Democratic Party. why did all of…
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  • I think the post below will prove that American Forces had an opportunity to capture OBL at Tora Bora, but…
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  • ralph nader is no friend of the Democratic Party. Ralph is only concerned about the size of his own ego,…
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  • I think both the Israel and her neighbors need to sit down and figure out how to live in peace.
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  • I think she'll stay in the Senate and direct Health Care Reform the Legislature. President Clinton's business dealings would make…
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  • all you have to do is look what happen to Japan. It had 18 years of falling home prices &…
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  • We will never get the Chevy Volt if GM does not survive. I don't want my only option at the…
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