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    unconditional transfer of wealth...Fed giving to the Rich so they can stay Rich. Meanwhile the homeowner, gets screwed it their…
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  • whatever happen to the phrase "My commanding officer gave me an order. And I followed it." If the Generals won't…
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  • http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=adq._JZdgZKw&refer=home here is the link.
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  • why the big speech? I heard Sec. Treasury is going to be using the rest of TARP funds today. I…
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  • In a middle of a recession a barrel of oil was $147 dollars a barrel.Isn't that strange, unless oil speculators…
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  • Which advertisers are brave/stupid enough to sponsor Sheriff Joe's show. Unless those advertisers would like to offend a significant portion…
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  • Anyone ever think, W needed a war to last long enough for the Oil Companies to get their contracts in…
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  • so you don't believe in Unions? You story reminds of the Regan story about the Cadillac driving mother of three…
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  • Even Toyota will stop building its plant in Mississippi which means the Toyota Pirus will still be built in Japan.…
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  • GM is giving its workers at Kansas City's Fairfax Plant 5 weeks off. From the first of the year to…
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  • sounds like a deleted scene from the movie Syriana. Which I finally saw for the first time a few weeks…
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  • where's the pick of RFK in the red chrysler convertible. I think Caroline Kennedy is a great pick for NY…
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  • It would be nice to say Senator Franken.
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  • Bush will use a blanket pardon like "for any and all crimes know or unknown" i hereby pardon Dick, Rummy,…
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  • Maybe you don't understand Americans and that leads to your shortsightedness and bias that we Americans don't understand.
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  • damn, makes me wonder if that is an insult to throw your shoes or present the bottom of your shoes…
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  • so can i hit you with the bottom of my shoe 2?
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  • that's a big insult in the Arab world. But did you hear W say that the Iraq war was necessary…
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  • I agree if they want to filibuster, make them talk and allow those Senators who are against the auto bailout…
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  • The Hooveristas in the Senate care more about Japanese Companies building cars in America. The Hooverista Republicans are just trying…
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