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    what's with the woman with 14 children all about. Just goes to show Republican hypocrisy, love the fetus hate the…
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  • Doesn't the South have a poor history of have good public education. I always remember Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana…
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  • should have told one of those ill minded republicans it was a 798 billion package for Iraq and they would…
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  • Journalism hit a low point during the Bush years. Makes me wonder if they already knew their phone were being…
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  • really there is no longer a need to be bipartisan with Republicans, because the Republicans consider any negotiation or cooperation…
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  • i found this to be bit surreal.. http://blogs.wsj.com/wealth/2008/11/18/rich-cut-back-on-payments-to-mistresses/
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  • I think anyone who calls themselves "a bed-wetting Liberal"--whatever that means, might be on the fringe.
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  • The problem with Sec. Treasury presentation was that he didn't act like the Bankers Mother. "Oh you poor banker and…
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  • I have had enough of the Republicans; complaining about spending, when they supported W's trillion dollar war in Iraq. I…
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  • Dean as HHS secretary is a bold move after appointing a republican as Commerce Secretary.
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  • And here is a second source that states the same as the video.. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/harry_markopolos/
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  • when the Republicans talk about stalling Hilda Solis nomination, the Democratic response should be "Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and Florida..you…
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  • ?? Well maybe not his wife reference to being worked like a "Hebrew Slave" and apparently said that to others.…
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  • a literal dark horse in this race is Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser http://www.nbcactionnews.com/news/local/story/Deposition-Squitiro-Wards-Off-Evil-Spirits-in/p7xhyl9J T06Q6oj3r_RJTA.cspx?rss=764
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  • Whatever happen to anti-trust. I read that all refiners are slashing production to raise the price of gasoline. I can…
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  • I'm not freezing. But I have been conditioned by the recent cold spell, that 34 F is a warm day.
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  • It's also likely Mr. Obama will declare terrorists to be prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions. I predict John…
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  • the bottom line is Republicans don't care about Americans, they only care about wealthy Americans. there is not other way…
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  • Dear Barack..: Mission Accomplished...I finally got into a mess my Daddy or the Saudi's could bail me out of. Gonzo…
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  • Gonzo can't find a job either. I think Gonzo is the "due diligence" for the Bush White House years.
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