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    Whether, Rummy should be placed in indefinite detention for his alleged crimes.
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  • LIE #9: "We know where [Iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south,…
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  • No one has ever mentioned that 9/11 is a failure of the Bush Administration to protect America from 01/20/2001 to…
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  • I think it is a great pick, Bush and his cronies love the war but short change the warrior with…
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  • Notice that Nero is focusing on the War he won in Iraq and doesn't mention the suffering we have because…
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  • good schools, access to broadband internet, President Obama is rebuilding America for the 21st Century. Broadband internet is a "great…
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  • yes, but only on my laptop, but not the desktop. It goes away if you use script block on fire…
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  • I was watching CNBC interview the leader of Bush's economic advisory panel. It was strange that he only focused on…
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  • we must share some form dementia, but i'm sure you wrote a coherent sentence..
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  • why don't they just us the money to go buy an American made car...no SUV's though...sound like it would be…
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  • Wonder what would happen if, Toyota made a hostile takeover bid for GM? Seeing the market value for GM was…
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  • The last guy to get help is the average Joe. Wall Street Bankers, go begging in their 1500 hundred dollar…
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  • A presidential pardon, won't cover acts after the initial pardon. So if he refuses to speak, Rove can be held…
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  • I think Gov. Richardson is a great pick for most positions. As Sec. of Commerce, may be outside of his…
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  • a hedge fund is suing Bank of American, because it is recalculating predatory loans made by Country Wide. the hedge…
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  • I own a 2000 Ford Taurus 330,000 miles, no real problems other that a minor one with the heater.  I…
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  • thanks.. i appreciate the info.
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  • my car runs fine, until I turn on the heater and then it won't idle properly.
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  • worst is yet to come, because the Treasury is not forcing the banks to lend money and come square with…
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  • Where would we be if McCain had won. I think Obama will get his agenda through Congress, it is his…
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