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    "Those shoes don't match her outfit, which is so last year. And too think I'm left the "Log Cabin" to…
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  • optical scanners, a paper ballot can always be hand counted in a state election that is won by less than…
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  • i think Obama will win Missouri, maybe because of the Gov. race here where Nixon is literally defeating Husholfe or…
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  • always ask for a paper ballot, do not use electronic voting machines they can be tampered with, rumor is an…
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  • A few nutcases who still wear bed sheets late at night. I would expect this, I don't like the robo-calls…
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  • i disagree, if he was irrelevant George Will and others would not be upset. A good screw to the Republican…
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  • Obama had 100,000 people attend a rally in St. Louis and 75,000 people Kansas City, Mo. McCain will be in…
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  • I got the obama e-mail this moring 600,000 new donors in September. 3.1 million donors in total can finally match…
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  • it will make McCain, lose three days tops discrediting Powell.
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  • treat them like drug dealers and seize their house, cars and offshore bank accounts
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  • Ever wonder what JC Watts thinks of McCain-Palin spreading this hate? The Republican Big Tent is now the Republican Short…
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  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27228287/ correct link
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  • anyone catch that Palin wants $ 15,000,000 dollars for her e-mails and those of her husband. Straight Talk Express is…
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  • sent a little coin..
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  • sounds like a republican plant to me
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  • the problem with Joe the Plumber is that he has no wealth. He stated he his business doesn't earn 250K…
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  • Kansas City, MO is up to 105 and still counting
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  • I thought it was illegal to use your Social Security Number to match a person for voting list. Otherwise you…
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  • That picture gives the One heart beat away new meaning...Sarah Palin and her beauty pageant slash and Tina Fey glasses…
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  • wait until the stock market falls again tomorrow. McCain still needs to find a message on the economy. cnbc is…
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