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    no compassionate conservatives this time, just the mean pit-bull types. All I see from Palin is the "arrogance of the…
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  • no, i'm saying there should be no Low Expectations for her. I think Joe will make Sara wish she was…
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  • their both Republicans they got the "talking points fax" for the day.
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  • Republicans all they worry about is taxes, especially that Paris Hilton Tax Cut..estate tax.  
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  • your right she should be able to stand-toe-to-toe with Joe Biden. No low expectations for her.
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  • i needed humor so i found this link.. http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/gallery/sarah-palin-college-photo/
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  • my God all the union bashing and her husband is United Steel Workers Union worker.
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  • nope she's not ready for Prime Time. Reminds me that really rich children don't serve, jenna and barbara bush, P.
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  • nada..doesn't sound like English to me. No time for on the Job Training, Palin. Republicans are sinking their own ship.
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  • Cindy mcCain looks uneasy with sitting next to Bristol.
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  • anyone see Sen. Larry Craig at the Republican Party Convention?? Because were talking about Sex scandals..
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  • I think she will get dumped, Alaska is like the Northern version of Louisiana politics. A corrupt politician is just…
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  • 77 years-old http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_old_is_Regis_Philbin
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  • did you know Regis is like 72 years-old??
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  • strange 5 minutes ago you could donate online..it seems that service was just taken away??
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  • maybe the bloggers should start an "internets fundraiser" for passage house. would kinda put a "spot-light" on the Republican hypocrisy…
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  • I guess if the "kid" needs a job he can always join the Army and serve in Iraq.
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  • Maybe I am wrong, but you notice the Republicans are wasting their time defending Palin instead of getting their message…
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  • Moderates in the Republican Party should start fleeing the party now. It appears the wingers have taken over.
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  • is she drooling on herself..notice that spot beneath her necklace..or could she could have been "foaming" at the mouth minutes…
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