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    ps. I kinda like this report from 2007 saying prices shouldn't jump if OPEC keeps production levels the same. http://www.cnbc.com/id/19790088
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  • yep, the stealing from the American Public ends mid January 2009.
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  • anyone think goldman sachs has a large position in Oil : just http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=goldman+sachs+oil+reports&btnG=Google+Search and here they are predicting high oil…
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  • karl is probably getting his plane ticket to Paraguay ready. I like to see the house arrest Karl, show some…
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  • i saw that so when is the House Sargent at Arms going to go arrest Karl??
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  • barking dog don't bite..I guess the same could be said for Congressmen who write great letter, but forgets there is…
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  • Only Republican's need apply: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/28/AR2008072801007.html?hpid=topnews appears Gonzo's Justice Department played politics with the Justice Department. I think the Dems. should…
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  • well it seem Chevron is fighting the gov. of Ecuador over dumping of toxic waste http://www.newsweek.com/id/149090
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  • Robert Cray plays a good guitar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gspgpKcu7Bo worth a look..I can't get it to post because of some restriction about…
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  • Sen Pat Roberts R-Kan..is running ads about the Boeing Tanker deal. Fails to mention he was the one who opened…
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  • Senate backs plan to end oil speculation http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5imPz0z6szykAL-CAKZDEZOAiDREgD9230VK00
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  • aren't Gov.'s of Louisiana usually indicted by a Federal Grand Jury sometime during their tenure and then acquitted?? Go ahead…
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  • I'm believe the oil price run-up is pure speculation: the link below states there is 200 billion barrels of oil…
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  • Nice publicity... for Manny and The Sanctuary. And  thanks too Booman for promoting other blogs on his own.
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  • no its oil..just drilling sideways instead of straight up and down..oil shale is rock..this is liquid
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  • a second source as proof... http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2006/08/18/ndoil/
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  • all we hear is ANWR..drill on the Coastline. No one mentions that North Dakota is sitting on a sea of…
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  • I agree where was the bradley effect during the primary election? I think its a ruse and those days are…
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  • doesn't he work for Fox News too? Harold Ford is a DLC stooge..has he even give Obama the Max 2300…
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  • The gas tax holiday idea just won't die: http://www.kansascity.com/637/story/710218.html
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