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    Joe Lieberman is just a pawn of Israel. It appears he has forgotten that its Americans dying in Iraq. And…
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  • "Roberts played a role in retooling the procurement landscape by deleting from a defense bill a provision that would have…
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  • I wonder if anyone ever checked to make sure Carmella is even a registered Democrat. Anyone who travels all the…
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  • Sen. Craig and Sen. Vetter and the marriage amendment Act is that a joke..
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  • 77 degrees in Kansas City and low humidity. Birds are chirping and $5.00 dollars sez the Royals will beat the…
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  • because Dems don't pin them down to an exact number. It's easy to stop the war in Iraq, just stop…
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  • Joe's betrayed all his friends, its kinda of hard to trust him after that. My foreign policy idea is why…
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  • end  the war in Iraq Energy Independent--remember those 25 missing pages of the 9/11 report where Saudi Arabia is probably…
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  • Well so much for Scalia' plain reading of the Constitution as back when it was written. read my comment below..a…
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  • I'm scared the terrorist will attack us to swing the November election to the Republicans. Making the point that terrorist…
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  • i guess the Republican's version of being independent is only voting for W's agenda 86% percent of the time. http://www.dscc.org/news_item?press_release_KEY=671
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  • that must have affected you some way..I was just writing it to be a smart-ass. But when does someone with…
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  • doesn't matter who it's a capitulation too..Dems just don't understand...compromise is a sign of weakness to Republicans. John McCain will…
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  • Dems Senators...so desperate for attention from a President with 27% approval rating, that's why. Dem. Senators doing what there daddy…
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  • I think McCain should fire Charlie Black. Wanting a terrorist attack is un American, Black should be arrested as an…
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  • well this makes me laugh due to its stupidity: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25174193/ and then you may member W doesn't read newspapers http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion143851_thomas15.html
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  • maybe this is our -blogshpere--slap-in-the-face: The Dems used us for our money and influence and now they don't need-us or…
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  • chris matthews...he's still in love with W in his flight suit on "Mission Accomplished Day".
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  • probably, he just uses his theory as an excuse to twist the constitution to his own personal beliefs. Otherwise, the…
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  • with W's 27% approval rating why are a 105 Dems still sucking his $%$#?? I've been busy lately..is the phrase…
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