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    "quoting Karl Rove the political adviser for the lowest rated President in modern history"... . the enemy of my enemy…
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  • that is sad, no style, no class, not graceful when losing.
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  • No, don't ever want to have "Mission Accomplished" type of moment.
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  • my 2 deep thought,the Democratic Campaign Committe called me to asked for money. I said when Hillary pulls out of…
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  • "The math is very, very hard for her," he said regarding her deficit in delegates to Obama. "The problem is,…
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  • I find reason No. 2 to be incredibly stupid, Hillary should ask Mark Penn to refund his 5 million dollar…
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  • your post makes me wonder why her Husband isn't sporting camos and riding shot in a Humvee along the Airport…
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  • come'on reverse psychology works every once-in-a-while
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  • How demeaning it would be for Hillary to have Obama pay her debt. I'm all for it.
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  • So in what perverse way does this help? I see arrogance of 109 million dollars brings to the table. In…
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  • I see the problem as when does "spin" become "lying" to meet your purpose or goal. The spin is to…
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  • After reading these posts, I'm going to send Barack some more money. Because, if Hillary is going to stay in…
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  • Like someone said earlier, anyone who runs with Hillary will need a food taster.
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  • probably a new firewall state, a new line, a new excuse to stay in the race. I wish she would…
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  • i've been traveling for the last 5 hours anyone give me a  30 second summary.
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  • Makes you wonder how many drinks she had before speaking about talking about sniper fire in Tuzla. And if she…
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  • Looked in the Dictionary under Lie, Cheat & Steal and there was picture of Bill and Hillary.
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  • The problem is there are no more "real journalist" willing to ask the tough questions. Its all "info-entertainment"...I doubt George…
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  • Rev. Wright is a non-issue, anyway he served in the Military which is more than Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney or…
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  • In context of a person who has a 109 Million Dollars, like Hillary, I think she knows exactly what she's…
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