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    talk about stupidity on Television, maybe Matthews should update us about Britney Spears. Damn..common people make substitutions to the menu…
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  • because there is no open thread..Hillary campaign is saving the Democratic party from itself Elitist, Condescending, and arrogance all wrapped…
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  • Joe makes me sick.
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  • Yep, he's probably collecting his $50.00 dollars in bets with all his frat buddies..that he could get Hillary to shots..
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  • Hillary losing her core supporters: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/33411.html In that article Clinton's campaign cannot counter Obama's media barrage which may be a…
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  • for some reason I think W will live the rest of his life in exile at his ranch in Paraguay.…
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  • well in all honesty, Hillary is 60 (+) and when she spoke at 3:30 in the afternoon, it is like…
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  • weak men with weak morals, trying to act tough.
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  • Like sniper fire at the Tuzla Airport, Hillary has never ever helped the little guy or fought for workers rights.…
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  • Secretary of Defense--I know how to travel..you get all Americans on planes heading West out of Iraq.
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  • here is a more direct article, Bill Clinton supports free trade with Colombia...; another evil laugh picture too.. http://www.kansascity.com/449/story/566137.html
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  • I'll open my checkbook for Jim Slattery.
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  • No Hillary, made Penn. her firewall state she has to win by a landslide I say 30% (+) plus. Anything…
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  • well look what China exports to America now, http://www.unionstation.org/bodies/index.cfm kinda makes you wonder where they get the bodies?
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  • "i believe in God and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Souze" Mr. Kint.. "The greatest thing the…
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  • should add this phrase "anything more than standing will cost you money."
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  • A slim chance Kansas will go Obama, but McCain and Airbus Tanker deal does not play well statewide. Especially, in…
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  • That sounds like a sport quote: a 7 year 109 million deal was inked today. A.Rod said he wanted to…
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  • the 64 dollar question for Hillary is how much of that 20 million can she spend for the primary election.…
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  • well for about a month or two we'll jump up and down that Traitor Joe Lieberman was kicked out of…
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