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    No one notice that the Fed is going to guarantee 200 Billion in notes, many including sub-prime loans, whether they…
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  • Booman a good read. Reading your post, Hillary will say whatever it takes, to make people vote for her. A…
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  • those are Democrats, it is a bit scary looks like a Republican riding on a Donkey.
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  • P.S. who do you tell the Clintons its over, give as much money as you can afford to Barack Obama..
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  • Hillary doesn't care about the Democratic Party, she cares only about herself. We are suppose to be the pawns who…
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  • what surprises me is that she hasn't been fired by the Clinton campaign yet. 24 hours and no decisive decision…
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  • here's a little different spin..the only uniform between the President and a War with Iran. http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0312/p25s01-usmi.html
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  • with this person http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=1527 as the head of Kansas Republican Party you would think the Dems could find a good…
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  • is census data safe from being discovered under the Patriot Act??
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  • I agree, just another youthful indiscretion like the Republicans like to say. At least Spitzer wasn't leering through the cracks…
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  • here's a link that sez it all.. http://media.kansascity.com/images/cartoons/judge/03-2008/judge_03062008_700.jpg
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  • last I heard 2 is greater than 1, except for those members of Cult Clinton where less delegates is actually…
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  • a very early good morning..to all..
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  • I thought Missouri was the state you had to win to be President. Now, Missouri is not important, because Obama…
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  • I would support Obama running as an independent, rather than him running on the same ticket.
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  • Bush & Cheney Indicted: http://news.aol.com/elections/story/_a/vermont-towns-ok-bush-indictment/20080305065709990001?ncid=NW S00010000000001
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  • I would like to visit too..but first I would like to know what are the upper limits of your insurance…
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  • Wanted one Smart Democrat to do the following: In my right hand is a FISA bill without retroactive telecom immunity.…
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  • notice no Latinos in her inner circle..anyone from Texas listening?
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  • stop making ethanol with corn?
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