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    Hillary's campaign manager resigns...or is fired? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23099005/ well there goes the Hispanic vote..
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  • bush used Colin like someone in the White House used Jeff Gannon. Except Colin doesn't realize he was W's whore.
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  • I think one tv commentator said it nicely.."just two people who like to eat a lot of chips and dip."…
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  • You should you really be counting MI, and FLA? Sen. Clinton lacks credibility because she gave her word not to…
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  • I agree with that comment. A VP in Hillary's would be relegated to some menial position, that would limit their…
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  • Booman you cover a lot of topics in that short post. Hillary should be worried if Obama is filling 17,000…
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  • wonder what will happen if I write Clintons pimping daughter to encourage super delegates to vote for mom? I guess…
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  • McCain/Traitor Joe will shore up any wandering Democrats from voting Republican. Traitor Joe, didn't help Al Gore much, be nice…
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  • buy an RV and give most of it away
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  • well its time to pull out those pictures of McCain and W eating cake the day after Hurricane Katrina
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  • she's not running a 50 state campaign like Obama. thank Gov. Dean for that strategy.
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  • maybe Bill should go buy some paper plates..just in case.
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  • I think Missouri was lost to the Clintons when Bill showed up in KC and had about 2,000 people show-up.…
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  • what a blunder, maybe that press release was suppose to be sent to Fox news and not the Orange Satan..
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  • now I need to dig up some money to send to Obama..so he can give Hillary the knock-out punch in…
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  • reminded me of how McCaskill beat Talent..big rural lead wiped away by KC and St.Louis
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  • I would like to go on record of calling Missouri for Obama on Feb. 4th.. http://www.boomantribune.com/comments/2008/2/4/22236/79101/2#2
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  • i'm tired of Hillary "lower expectations" campaign, it reminds me of W's 2000 campaign.
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  • off topic..what ever happen to the picture of the Arizona desert on your blog
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  • obama is ahead according to MSNBC in Missouri ??
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