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    Let's not forget W's litter remark about "a Crusade Against Terrorism"
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  • It makes you think Americans have forgotten to take their "Fiber" pills for the last six years.
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  • The White House is asking for $193 Billion Dollars for the War in Iraq, but won't spend and additional $5…
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  • hmm..I guess they didn't learn the lesson from 2002, that Iraqi thing they voted on.
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  • And look who was in the neighborhood, saying the war in Iraq was right war at the right time. http://primebuzz.kcstar.com/?q=node/6718
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  • maybe this documentary will have an effect to motive an end to Iraq war:
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  • The decider to the end, afraid to admit he couldn't sustain the surge for more than year--due to troop rotation--W…
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  • green means safe, orange means beware of sharks and those a little less progressive
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  • Picture kinda tells it all. Petraeus hiding in the corner, Condi talking and not paying attention to what's going on…
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  • with all the traffic earlier this week, did Booman get a few new recruits?
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  • I will vote for a Democrat, but hopefully its John Edwards. I think Obama is fine, but charisma will only…
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  • the wagon is out a little early today. I think everything should be on paper, like the Iowa Basic Test…
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  • Saudi Arabia is not really our friend, remember the 25 pages of the Congressional 9/11 Report that was deleted, because…
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  • 3.5: Find Surgeball turncoats named Biden who will end all debate about defunding Surgeball, because he wants to  protect the…
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  • Probably your own fault for choosing players from the KC Chiefs.
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  • The aftermath of Katrina a sad time for America. I get the impression Kayne West wanted to hit someone he…
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  • Chief's beat Texans37--7..LJ runs for 225 yards
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  • she's just upset that Hudgens is taking up part of her 15 minutes.
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  • For all the "old-timers";
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  • Isn't Tucker the one who use to wear the "bow-tie"/ on his show?
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