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    The Russians have sent in agitprop agents to divide the nation - don't be an ex-commie dupe!
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  • Does complicity just eventually... diffuse? The discussion of this subject always seems to willfully neglect the very interesting reports that…
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  • A suicide bomb at the shrine of Khomeini shows some element is trying to steer these protests from seeking to…
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  • No conspiracy required here. The code-speak has been signaling the vigilante bat-signal for some time.
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  • DHS, GWOT and the last 8 years of MSM are monuments to GOP fear.
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  • All of the sudden 90 million is a lot of money again? IMHO, I'd be cheaper and more humane and…
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  • Watership Down was one of the best animated adaptations of a novel ever, but not safe for kids by any…
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  • General Woundwort? Bigwig? Hazel? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Woundwort
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  • He foreknowledge was reported on at the time. She's been spineless collaborator #1 on my list since (tied with the…
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  • Pakistan's word is only as good as it's actions. Some evidence of 'improvement' that shakes the above arguments around a…
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  • They made this badass perpetual rule machine but fucked around and lost the reigns. Knowing full well the capabilities now…
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  • Do they still have a portrait of Il Duce over the counter? Think that will make the move?
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  • How's about going another building? Check out the House of Saud getting their incremental Liberalization on: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/11/world/middleeast/11saudi.html
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  • One of the more interesting episodes: http://www.nytimes.com/1992/08/26/us/police-kill-protester-at-berkeley-in-break-in-at-chancellor-s-h ome.html?sec=&spon= She changed her name to make her initials spell "Rad."
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  • While our Chancellor was popular, shit like this happened every day at Berkeley in the early 90s, probably still does.…
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  • FDR gave massive return on Capital's investment during and after the ultimate winning of the War. Benefits included: providing US…
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  • Zymurgic terminology rules, BTW. Wonder what the age of some of these words is?
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  • Bingo - Sam Smith Nut Brown.
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  • When you stop to think of it, how can newspapers possibly maintain their standards when the only working model in…
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  • ribbit, ribbit..  ribbit.
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