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    Brazil's position is purely economic extortion (which means it just might be a real commitment), as King Soybean realized that…
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  • You've described the devil's bargain that Paul offers quite well.
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  • Then, you'd have to say it was his poor land management, expensive architecture tastes and lack of interest in capitalizing…
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  • or an attempt to get developing nations to the table with a low ball already in play.
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  • BINGO. Boring old appropriations graft and the open palm of the MI complex has to be addressed and cleaned up…
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  • I'll warm up the time machine. In the mean time with scores of people dying in the streets, the country…
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  • Look, I am assuming nothing these are things that are done and proven, not some wishful thinking based on my…
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  • Do you think the vulnerable of Iraqi society would be better off with police without training or discipline? I think…
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  • ..in other words, Jefferson didn't like the idea of central banks. It was this sentiment in part, that helped cook…
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  • What if you threw a war and only the other side showed up? If you think our own men and…
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  • Well, opium is pretty nice..
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  • Well, decriminalized and consumed in large quantities. Good luck!
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  • robert reich rules. I like a man who always swings upwards.
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  • Pyrrhic War, baby: "The two armies separated; and we are told that Pyrrhus said to one who was congratulating him…
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  • Do the troops know this?
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  • How to fight an enemy that knows no borders, recognizes no nations, etc. etc? ONE WORD: Crack.
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  • I think a lot of that language was as much for Pakistani and Afghani consumption as for his US audience:…
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  • This was indeed change we voted for. Am I the only one that understood that expanding the Afghan commitment was…
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  • President Plenary Indulgence of the Exceptional United States takes Responsibility for Giant Pile of Shit, Commits to Expanding Dung Heep…
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  • She's faded already, people just keep jacking up their TV's color saturation because the black and white version has grown…
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