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    We need a good chart of Hippy positions, establishment positions, and then the results. A very, very large chart. Same…
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  • Talk about in character: http://articles.cnn.com/2002-04-23/politics/elmo.hill_1_elmo-instruments-congressional-committee?_s= PM:ALLPOLITICS Seems like the MSM had a different reaction to someone appearing 'in character' before…
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  • I don't think it is cynical to point out that the Repug's cro-magnon approach to immigration has serious economic effects…
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  • ROFL
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  • snore..
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  • Gotta share this very cool site with y'all. It's a web site that allows you to script and direct animated…
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  • It's pretty funny how few people can take a joke. It's fine to waste congresses time with endless hypocritical speeches,…
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  • This is easy.Just look for the orange stain on the dress
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  • Wow. I saw a different show, same channel same time.. weird.
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  • Mmmmm-Hhmmmm...
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  • Gotcha.. flips the table and makes Dems vote AGAINST tax cuts. Ouchy.
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  • Please describe the impact of 'recommitting'?
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  • Umm, perhaps it's one of those weird permagov moves that have no purpoes but to make the 'right' outcome of…
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  • Alaska Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller received federal farm subsidies for land that the fiscal conservative owned in Kansas…
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  • Alaskan Jow Miller, GOP Senate Candidate, 'successful' businessman, former judge is serious about people fending for themselves. He admits, in…
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  • When Rahm Emanuel leaves to go run for mayor in Chicago, all the blood will drain out of the White…
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  • More of the Democratic job-killing agenda I see..
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  • Looks like the Delaware Momma Bear isn't quite ready for prime time (or the sunday talk shows).. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39246797/ns/politics/
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  • You pay into a health care fund while you are of working age. When you need medical attention, you go…
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  • First off, the 20 court cases from states are already not going well (judges have decided that there is cause…
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