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    The Pack wins because Rodgers is a Cal Bear.   Then again, he's a Cal Bear. OK. Steelers win the…
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  • I would point out that Obama's deficit commission asked for deeper cuts to tax rates than the extension provided. If…
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  • I was watching Beck today and he was just squirming under the pressure of his own stupidity reflected back upon…
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  • I wonder when Americans will realize that War has been declared against them from within? We are a truly slow…
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  • One less whore.
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  • While I am 100% with you on a gut level, and I think it is important to help people get…
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  • Again, there is NO mention of the context of rapidly diminishing wilderness (and the long term, Earth sustaining capacities they…
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  • "You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk You may be the head of some big…
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  • "make" magazine has a web site. This pub is full of mind-blowing DIY devices, recipes, kids projects, etc. http://makezine.com/ DIY!
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  • And here I thought the recent 'report' was actually just from Bowles and Simpson, not the commission, and is therefore…
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  • Best gift EVER. Thanks for the early holiday toy.
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  • I can only speak about my own family and social circles, but I don't think the support of the Democratic…
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  • It is my experience that the more someone is strenuously and publicly reverent, philanthropic or faithful, the crazier the sex…
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  • I've heard from commission members that 'some kind of report' will be coming in early December. Then we'll all go…
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  • It's Jungle George Soros vs. Da Koch Bros for champeenship of da WOILD! Pick a billionaire and you'll easily be…
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  • This is the 'low ball' from just the Commissioners. Stop calling it a report from the commission. The commission has…
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  • Obama might want to 'release this meme': Now that it's over, we might point out what a great distraction the…
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  • The 'libertarian' thing will persist for as long as this makes sense to people: "Regardless of your ideology, if you…
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  • Eliminating the mortgage exemption will boot many, many more people out of their homes and further reduce housing prices. I…
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  • I wonder then, why he felt he had to become President. Oh, yeah. God told him so in a dream.
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