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    Morning, SG! Why the hell were the trees whacked? They provide shade and clean the air.  Your wacky neighbor deserves…
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  • Ahoy, CG! There was a pretty rambunctious crew having fun at the local 'taverna'.  But we saw them sailing out…
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  • Lot's of distractions, for sure + friends and family. But I also have some chores to do - such as…
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  • Hot is OK - to some extent, humidity sucks. Yes, dropped the young ones off to camp on Sunday -…
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  • Good morning, Andi! Glad to hear that the heat will break - meanwhile, you could send some of it this…
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  • Hi CG. Booked for Sunday, but may return Friday.
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  • Good morning, kb! It is a wow-place; unfortunately, my photo skills are very limited, but you'll get the general idea.…
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  • We adapted fairly well, and it wasn't a total washout. Moon rising:                …
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  • More normal water levels in the river/waterfall in the center of town.  Currently, the rocky formation on the right is…
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  • Good morning Andi and all froggies! I'm truly starting to feel amphibious now. CabinGirl is right in her comment above…
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  • Three of 9 days with some sun... But we're coping well (so far) - catching up on a lot of…
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  • Hola, all! The only news of significance at the moment: Rainiest June since 1883 The incessant rain that's poured down…
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  • Morning, FM! Yup, vacation can be recommended. Imageshack continues tto be non-cooperative, so I quickly signed up for Photobucket instead:…
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  • Hi (and bye), everyone! Left this comment in the Welcome Wagon. Time for asklet and me to head back to…
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  • We started out with a couple of rainy days; today is beautiful.  asklet and I drove to a town (relatively)…
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  • Hi Andi, I've actually been to that one - honeymoon almost two decades ago.
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  • Good morning/evening - keres and Andi. Just past noon here. Suitcases were finally delivered about an hour ago and we're…
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  • Here; rain = cold - almost without exception (low 60s). Luggage is now located, but will only be delivered tomorrow.…
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  • We should ship some rain from here, gray and overcast now, but apparently, it had rained for 36 straight hours++…
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  • We're taken well care of at my youngest sister's & family -  and also got complementary toiletries bags when reporting…
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