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    (that will be ignored). The West would be wise to focus more on human rights issues when searching for ways…
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  • Haha Keith Olbermann just made Glenn Beck today's Worst Person of the World.  Then called out CNN directly and gave…
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  • Two Baghdad Blasts Kill More Than a Dozen
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  • rba has a bunch of diary entries to his (?) name.
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  • Thanks Steven, For another well researched story. I had just posted the below in the Open Thread, just before you…
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  • It is almost official. Raw Story: Justice Department to declare warrantless wiretaps legal In a detailed 42-page legal memorandum set…
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  • So true. I hope we all aspire to become global citizens.
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  • Who's afraid of big, bad Iran By exaggerating the importance of Iran's nuclear developments, the West is showing up the…
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  • Thanks Sally, As you know, I am a foreigner, but sort of intuitively understood the expression when first seeing it…
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  • A question; We Won't Rest Until They're Frog-Marched Out I have the bumper-sticker on my briefcase.  I notice people checking…
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  • That's what it feels like now 😉
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  • No. That did not come out right. Hoboken is quite charming, but clearly a 'labor' town, though there are real…
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  • Just keep doing what you do, Terry. Your book is on my shelf, and I feel bad I have not…
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  • Well, I don't know what your perspective is. I've been in Hoboken almost 5 years, what I hear is that…
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  • Drinknig Liberally
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  • My, How fortunate for Musharraf to find evidence that real terrorists were actually killed in this violation of Pakistani territory.…
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  • Good evening all, I went to the local Drinknig Liberally tonight. Here is my exchange with Time Waits for no…
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  • I'm thoroughly impressed...
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  • And again. My only complaint - information overload 😉
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  • Not only good intentions - the best kind of integrity I can think of, always mindful of this community.  Calling…
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