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    OK, I'm not up with the lingo, just trying - miserably - to copy my son.
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  • Other British generals also appear to have a spine. From The Independent: One of the country's most senior former military…
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  • Thanks. One of those brain-freezes...
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  • Lurking today.  Scalito OD. And I'm still pissed at Wolf Blitzer's performance yesterday.  CNN actually made it look like Kennedy…
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  • Nothing like it.  A long(ish) break, going away with friends. Watch out for adrenaline-shock, there's plenty of bile coming this…
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  • There you are! Hope you had a great break and got some good rest - your energy level is very…
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  • It is great, though I'm afraid that most of this windfall of time will be for housekeeping. However, if it's…
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  • Good morning all. Blue skies today here in the NYC-area.  And a sunny bit of news this morning in the…
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  • These senseless losses are mindnumbing. Why are these young men and women still sent into harms way for an illegal…
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  • Sorry, not the reco list; it is on the recent list at present.
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  • bink has a diary entry on the reco list at kos where it is stated that her anonymity is still…
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  • I first saw it at CNN around 12.25 (EST).  Again at 12.30, reported as breaking news. Ah, here it is…
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  • Norwegian Aftenposten reports: Kidnapperne skjøt journalistens sjåfør, som er en irakisk journalist som også arbeidet for henne som tolk, og…
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  • CNN just reported as breaking news that DeLay has withdrawn from his post as House Majority Leader.
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  • I'm heading out the door. It's curly's birthday.  Soon time for dinner.
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  • No kidding. CNN is droning in the background with him speaking right now.  There is not ONE sentence without at…
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  • I get some sideway glances on the PATH every morning/eve from people trying to read it.  I'm not sure how…
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  • Hehe, That is what my order confirmation said as well.   Here is what Scott replied to my query on…
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  • Then, more stickers it is.
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  • The easiset way to be supportive is to visit the store and buy some shirts and coffee cups. For those…
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