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    Why pay for it now? That's what I was wondering as well... Need a Speaker?
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  • How much would you claim as compensation, if forced to listen?
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  • Yup, there have been some aha-moments like that, but mostly, I don't recall the actual dream.
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  • Were you dreaming.. Possibly, it has happened before (I made major progress in my thesis that way) - but I…
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  • So where's the picture? curly loves hers and I often see her use it. I kind of woke up with…
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  • Good morning, ladies! It's busy here this morning. There was no one around last I checked by at 5.15 -…
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  • Third option - maintain separate dwellings while still serious about a relationship. Works around here.
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  • Absolutely gnarly! (I learned the meaning of the expression from watching that video and then google it...)
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  • Good morning! Up since 5, third cup of coffee :/
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  • The look of that man! What happiness the little puppies bring - it must be very rewarding to be part…
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  • Happy hour!? What were you smoking? I'd like something really euphoric after the week that was...
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  • Over here, FM. We're about to spam up the foto blog... Talking of ski resort, young asklet is the lucky…
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  • Glad to hear you're doing better. I wouldn't mind to see some spring overtures soon - winter loses a lot…
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  • Hey! Well, they're chilly... Back down in the low 20s this morning after a few comfy days. Are you up…
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  • Heh! At least it brought you out of lurker mode...
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  • Santorum said Christians, who believe in Jesus Christ, never governed or conquered anyone, but Mohammed was a warrior and killed…
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  • Don't know if you noticed this image in my entry last Sunday: Who cares what an ex-astronaut believes...
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  • Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) As blogged here.
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  • Well, there is stiff competition within the WSJ today. Bradley Schiller does just as well as William McGurn... President Barack…
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  • Exactly! I just made that comment in Jesselyn Radack's entry on kos - currently on top of the reco list.…
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