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    Pretty sure it was comment in a thread of one of my pieces, probably the one on Gates. I don't…
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  • There's a use for the kind of objectivism we get on the Nightly Network news or that we get in…
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  • Nice comments in that video thread, AG. When you lie down with dogs...
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  • You'll need to set some definitions for "corrupt." In some sense, people are all alike. In some ways, representative democracy…
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  • I don't think so at all. Far from it.
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  • I just said fucking why. Jesus.
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  • I wouldn't have mentioned Libya if I intended to hold Obama blameless. But name anything better we've got going right…
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  • "You" in the following, is not my lover or my father or my mentor. It's America.   & I'm standing…
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  • "...making allusions to people possibly killing his opponent." If anything, I was fair to a fault.  
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  • Yep. That's the reference. For my generation.  
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  • It's an Atriosism, I'm not actually concerned about Harry Reid's tone.
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  • I think they are correct in the effect it would have in their ranks.
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  • SMH. This is news to you?
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  • yes, the first thing that came to mind is that this news makes Clinton look stupid. SMH.
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  • Booman and Billmon are not the same person.  
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  • The media has done what they can do to sink Trump. They don't have the power people think they have.…
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  • Dudes getting married, darkies running the Justice Dept, a taco stand near ever futbol field.  
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  • Well, the required blowout is slipping away, at a minimum. Anything less will be near hopelessly bleak.   And we're…
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  • Have to agree with you on this one.  
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  • Did Putin write books before he took office? I doubt it, but I'd be interested to see what he had…
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