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    right. he failed as a scientist.
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  • When we blame the media, sometimes the media compensates for that criticism. This is how the right has operated effectively…
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  • Just for the record, Arthur signed up here on 2005-07-01 at 06:22:34 am eastern time, probably while eating his Wheaties.…
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  • Yes, I know, Magic Johnson personally caused 146,985 unnecessary cavities, only 43,093 of which were filled, and that's not even…
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  • Yeah, maybe I'm biased since my Dad getting Larry Bird to take language classes so he could enunciate Feelin' 7UP…
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  • You're making way more of this than is warranted by the facts. Setting aside that the State Department Ethics shop…
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  • So, pretty much every athlete from Kobe Bryant to Joe DiMaggio has been corrupt. Good to know.  
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  • Ok, I apologize for snapping at you for regurgitating old news since the WaPo is the one guilty of that.…
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  • I was in Oakland as recently as last July, and it didn't seem like San Francisco at all.  
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  • Is everyone around here now either a dishonest hack or an aspiring Kremlin flack?   The article you're citing is…
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  • Right, because doing political organizing in Oakland is the definition of staying in your comfort zone.   You throw around…
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  • I know better than to waste my time on such trolling.
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  • Yawn. You're boring me.  
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  • Women in my area on Trump.  
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  • Everything is making me grumpy today and it's a struggle not to react like an asshole, so I went and…
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  • Assuming your characterization where our relationship with Taiwan is strictly about floating boats and not shared values and mutually-beneficial economic…
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  • Have you heard of this place Formosa?  
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  • That seems a very contentious argument to me. There will be less death if we "abandon" the Pacific, meaning presumably…
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  • Pence would be horrible, but he probably wouldn't destroy basic peace and order in our country. Trump would.  
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  • What's in it for him is his entire Asian Pivot and bringing the pro-Western Far East into alignment with us…
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