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    By January 20th, 2017, you won't be able to find anyone who ever supported Trump. I know, I was alive…
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  • "He's Russian. He's from Moscow. If he doesn't steal from Ukraine, who is he supposed to steal from?"   "Putin…
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  • It feels like the whole left has become Alvy Singer's father.  
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  • He fucking did a Watergate break-in and selectively leaked documents to undermine the left in this country. And you're making…
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  • "You know, he's bad, but he's not the only guy to invade another country and try to exterminate their people."…
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  • Oh, so it's okay then. Thanks for clearing that up, Tarheel. Any other apologies you want to make for these…
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  • another example of making shallow thinking a virtue.
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  • This reluctance on the left to acknowledge Putin's character is demoralizing.  This isn't just an ideological rehash of the Cold…
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  • In response, Bannon developed two related insights. "One of the things Goldman teaches you is, don't be the first guy…
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  • does "party line changes" have a specific meaning or does it just mean assholish self-interested partisan decisions without consultation?  
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  • I would be astonished if the Sanders people in Wyoming could do such a thing.
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  • Okay, Steggles, just for you, I'll share some back of the envelope research I've been doing on how winning the…
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  • That Hillary Clinton is going to get too many votes, and that's bad for progressives because who wants huge congressional…
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  • I've decided that the "other side of the equation" has replaced the Balanced Budget Amendment as the dumbest idea ever.…
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  • Well, that and the fact that they were dialectical materialism morons.   You seem disappointed.  
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  • Make it $20.
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  • Clinton is winning by a lot in Texas with voters under 45.  
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  • Sure, but nothing I see any profit in dwelling on. I did my period of mourning two years ago, privately.…
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  • Can't respond fully right now, but part of the issue (as seen in article block-quoted at the end) is that…
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  • I can't quite follow.
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