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    that entire response is laughable. The commenters here have certainly been better than Dana Milbank, though, I'll give you that.…
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  • yup. He got shut out tonight.
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  • A contested convention gives them the chance to fix this entire shitstorm by nominating someone other than Trump or Cruz.…
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  • Pleased to see that Rick Santorum is dead last in Illinois, behind Fiorina.
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  • Sanders is a more seasoned politician than Warren for obvious reasons, but he's also an immeasurably harder sell as a…
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  • D'oh.
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  • Kasich can't win the nomination on the first ballot. After tonight, it's doubtful that Cruz can either, although he'll have…
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  • He's dejected.
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  • you guys are powerful scary.  
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  • Maybe read the article. I'd be really happy if you did.  
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  • I thought everyone assumed Trump gave Brietbart some six-figure check last summer.
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  • Hell, they abuse reporters from their own bought-and-paid for news outlets.
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  • And, from the same Krugman column: The truth is that if Sanders were to make it to the White House,…
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  • What a bizarre response. Almost like I'm conversing with a dining room table or a machine that spits out one…
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  • That's what we're highlighting at WaMo today.  
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  • You know, you can be opposed to the TPP for a variety of reasons. But you can't understand it if…
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  • This is such a superficial understanding of TPP and the Obama administration that it's embarrassing coming from you.   It…
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  • I didn't watch it. Didn't even know it was on. It was one of my stepson's 21st birthday, so I…
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  • There could be some red states that go blue this time around. This isn't an even match between two solid…
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  • Once Jeb showed he couldn't be an alpha male, Kasich was their only choice. And I mean that not in…
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