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    I guess what I would encourage you to do is to make an effort to understand why the Obama administration…
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  • We'll see if Ted Cruz can beat Trump, but I'll give you credit for identifying Cruz as a player in…
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  • Hopefully, you'll get more out of my comment than that.
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  • the whole foreign policy of the Obama team is oriented around the pivot to Asia. The TPP isn't really seen…
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  • It is desperation. If Rubio had any juice, they'd stick with him.
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  • I agree. But I'd add that they're obsessed with inoculating themselves against charges of racism by trotting out their Cuban…
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  • yeah, no. Obama told her to flip-flop on TPP after they looked at the polls. That's dimensional chess, but you'd…
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  • I think the likelihood of a superdelegate looking at a poll to convince them that Sanders is more electable than…
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  • Problem is, what Sanders really needs is superdelegate volatility. And that's the least likely thing to change in his favor.…
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  • yeah, but he can't.
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  • Just do an honest assessment of the results for the coal industry, the numbers on imported energy, the power plant…
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  • Funny, because I never wasted one second worrying about where Obama would end up on entitlements, free trade, or Keystone.…
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  • you should let go of the idea that the liberal part of the term has anything to do with social…
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  • I still think neoliberal is the rough equivalent of Birchers calling people communists. There were real communists who could be…
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  • example.
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  • I'm just noting it. Hopefully people are aware that Krugman is regularly abused as a neoliberal.  
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  • Missing my point. Any epithet that used regularly to describe Krugman and Norquist requires some explanation. "Dickhead" requires very little.…
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  • LOL.
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  • Paul's my boss, so it's lovely to have people rip on him on my blog. But it's a free country.…
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  • You know, I thought Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were neoliberals but it turned out that almost everyone is. Under…
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