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    I don't know what you mean when you say that the president "wanted" a Grand Bargain. That word is a…
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  • He made a deal on the debt ceiling because he wanted a Grand Bargain that was already dead?  
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  • It's a misprint, anyway.  The source says that their "staggering 40% adult literacy rate is beginning to come down," which…
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  • What's a 'Yglesias'?
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  • Weird.
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  • I think we have arrived at the end game.   This is an inflection point.   Right now, the best…
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  • Yeah, I think the administration wants to fight sequestration in November instead of now. I'm not sure why.
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  • You are assuming that the House will pass a clean CR.  The Dems don't have to go along with that,…
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  • We would need about 16.  Boehner has more loyalists than that, so it shouldn't be a problem.  
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  • Cantor wouldn't win, anyway.  I'd bet on Jeb Hensarling.   But, anyway, there is a majority to pass a clean…
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  • Ezra: The House GOP's debt limit bill -- obtained by the National Review -- isn't a serious governing document. It's…
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  • One of the biggest conceits on the left is this idea that Social Security is fine because it is independent.…
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  • Listen to a PBS segment.  It gives you both sides of the argument.
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  • No, not before preventative care visits or your 3 primary care visits.  Those are not subject to the deductible,  
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  • Well, then, I'd estimate that you know next to nothing about electoral politics. The 2010 midterms were an epochal smackdown…
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  • Don't forget Florida and Pennsylvania, where the governors are incredibly unpopular.  
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  • This idea that the president should not just refuse to make a deal with the Republicans but he shouldn't even…
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  • Two things on that. the president didn't offer Chained CPI to keep the government open.  The Speaker is considering making…
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  • The most important thing is the $12,700 maximum annual out-of-pocket expense that you get with any plan.  The Platinum is…
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  • Well, not really. I mean, a preventative visit to the doctor for a physical is free under the bronze plan.…
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