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    That rather misunderstands a number of points. bin-Laden used the I/P conflict in his rhetoric and recruitment, but his primary…
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  • Could be little more than a hiccup.  Careful diplomatic language could solve the problem because the reality is that non-compliance…
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  • I'm trying to find a point.  Turkey and the Sauds will be furious.  Israel gets a big win, as you…
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  • Obama never promised Israel and the KSA anything.  
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  • But churches aren't exactly a new phenomenon.
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  • Well, of course not. Would the anti-Castro crowd have welcomed a Russian-inspired U.N. resolution that fell short of deposing Castro?…
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  • You are consistently making this too difficult by trying to use this crisis to solve all the world's problems.  Keep…
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  • I think you do understand it, but you're talking yourself out of understanding it.
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  • It's not a poison pill.  It's a requirement, and if Russia wants to make a fuss over it, then they…
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  • A bipartisan group of senators is working on an alternative resolution to the situation in Syria that would allow time…
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  • The point is the change the debate in such a way that the vote passes.  It's not really that difficult…
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  • The AUMF draft should be altered to state that force will only be authorized if Syria fails to comply with…
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  • So glad that Zimmerman was acquitted.  
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  • Ford's presidency ended in 1977.  It began in 1974.  
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  • I can't point you to the Constitution, but I can point you to the War Powers Resolution: The War Powers…
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  • yup.
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  • Don't get too excited, yet.   There are many things to consider. Are we watching a coordinated U.S./Russia plan? Or…
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  • Either that or Kerry is just an incompetent warhawk.  We shall see.  
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  • Why settle for that? If Russia is willing to pursue the idea then they should accept a UN resolution authorizing…
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  • She is not a general.  
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