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    There's a dossier, you should read it. It includes more than one source. One source, a former top FSB officer…
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  • you manage to completely misunderstand both of your topics. 1. birtherism isn't ridiculous because it is unlikely that his mother…
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  • the way I do analysis can be compared to the topography of river systems. There's a lot of solid ground…
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  • If you're in Cincinnati and decide to travel by car to Cleveland, there's certain stuff you're bound to encounter on…
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  • I'm totally sympathetic to the basic premise that Trump is ignorant and impulsive and suggestible and virtually incapable of coherent…
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  • I got a little worried for a minute and hedged a bit, but things went exactly as I foresaw they…
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  • Honestly, they don't want to pass any of their bills. They just want the failed effort to get blamed on…
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  • that's all true. I guess my point is that prior to actually taking power unto themselves, the Dulles Brothers were…
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  • to the budget? The Democrats in the House would control it and that would basically make any effort to use…
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  • It's easy to look at this period and simplify things too much. It's easy to get pissed at the Dulles…
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  • Oh crap. Now I have to write about budget reconciliation rules again?
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  • Maybe. For all I know, she's super cool.  
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  • Jesus. That was confused. I went to school with Justice Brennan's granddaughter, not Earl Warren's. I'm such a moron.  
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  • True story. I went to high school with Earl Warren's granddaughter. I spent a lot of time in her hot…
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  • that's why the tweet includes the word "now."  
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  • There is something very basic that's wrong with your reasoning here, and it's a vitally important thing for all organizers…
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  • this idea that Trump turned 60-40 Romney counties into 85-15 Trump counties without a strategy is getting a little old.…
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  • the evidence? that's kind of like asking me what the evidence was that people talking about a wardrobe malfunction were…
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  • This is the fallacy I referred to. I can't change my color anymore than Kaepernick can. That creates a problem…
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  • Very nicely done by Kraft.
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