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    If you look at what I do as an analyst, it's always from the perspective of what can move legislatively,…
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  • That's not to say there isn't an element of frustration in watching how Sanders operates. I don't dismiss poetry if…
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  • What you're missing is that Ryan doesn't really give a shit about the base. His object is to avoid getting…
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  • Lulz. The House GOP's budget chief Tuesday urged House Speaker Paul Ryan to bring the budget to the floor this…
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  • If he fails, it may not matter.  
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  • Two things. It's obviously self-serving. He's trying to make himself look better. But, it also shows how hollow the claim…
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  • This is from September 3rd: The Trump administration wants federal spending on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts to be tied to…
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  • Precisely.
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  • That's Trump whining about the debt ceiling not getting resolved before the August recess and demanding the continuing resolution include…
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  • There's an assumption that no tax reform would be acceptable and that "giving Trump a win" is never going to…
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  • Definitely could color his decision making. But he gets more mileage out of moving to the center than he gets…
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  • Heh. Collation governing.  How does it work?   More seriously, one thing that hasn't changed just because Trump became president…
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  • Do you know what she is talking about? I think the transmission from Red Square got garbled.  
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  • Almost like someone finally started giving him my columns to read.  
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  • If they can pass a budget, it will have reconciliation rules for tax reform. If they can't pass a budget,…
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  • Hastert Rule not dead: Ultimately, 133 House Republicans, more than half of the GOP Conference, voted for Trump's agreement with…
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  • I'd buy that except they'll have to go through the motions anyway. At least this gives them the time to…
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  • Yeah. That's definitely something he'll boast about at his little Rose Garden party, presuming he succeeds.   But this is…
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  • Trump is impulsive and not strategic, but not to the complete exclusion of strategy.  Remember, he's constantly getting advice. The…
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  • Seriously, please re-read what I wrote just prior to the deal in light of what actually happened.  
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