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    Sending LOTS of positive thoughts their way.  Keep us posted on how he's doing.
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  • Oh, it was a total annoyance, but now it's sort of endearing.  Funny how that goes. I'm really heading out…
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  • I have a soft spot for Lawrence Welk - he reminds me of my grandparents.
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  • I was thinking of a Super Soaker water gun.  With ice water.   Can you tell I'm tired of the…
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  • I'm off to do battle with them now.  Yeargh.  Why can't that make an alarm clock that douses teenage boys…
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  • Oh, it was no trouble, really... After I got back to sleep, I had the mos restful sleep.  It was…
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  • It's Thursday!  And not a moment too soon...
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  • Ooh, pretty. Makes me want to go there.  ðŸ™‚ How is the adjustment going for curly's mom?
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  • I woke somebody up to get him to roll over and stop snoring. 🙂  And now it's time to wake…
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  • Sounds like a plan...too bad I have to get up now (I've been awake since four).
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  • Good to hear there might be an end to the wet soon!
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  • People trying to make flu vaccination a red/blue issue...and calling anyone who isn't getting the H1N1 vaccine an idiot, despite…
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  • There is a whole lot o stupid on the political interwebs this morning.  Back to cooking blogs...  ðŸ™‚
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  • Another wet day here.  I think it's supposed to finally end tomorrow, though.  I hope so, because I'm starting to…
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  • Oh, yum.  
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  • Yeah, sounds a lot like here, just substitute NFL players and Hollywood stars for the Aus. rule football players, guns…
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  • I missed the whole drama by being at work, and I just wish we could be out of sync with…
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  • Mmm...Japanese food.  Sounds yummy! Off to yoga this morning in the cold and wet.  It's a truly miserable day here…
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  • I'm sorry to hear that, but it sounds like she needs more care and it will be a little easier…
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  • Another vote for the Phillies-Yankees Series here. 🙂
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