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    You know what the best thing I've found for nasal allergies in the springtime is? Xlear nasal spray, which is…
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  • The Cochrane Group is an independent non-profit group funded by a medical publisher. LINK
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  • I guess we can expect these edicts to come fast and furious in the next 6 months, as BushCo can't…
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  • "you have mail"
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  • Here's a hint.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Sounds like you're having the perfect day!
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  • As soon as I saw the start of that, I was thinking about her pro-lobbyist remarks last summer...not surprised to…
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  • Incredible that the Clinton campaign, with it's cries of "Oh, the misogyny", chooses Bob "Pimps and Hoes" Johnson as a…
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  • It's already in.  It didn't seem too bad, although I went grocery shopping for part of the time. I'm just…
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  • ...followed by some sort of noisy hot tub baptism.  Perfect. I'll bring the beer.  ðŸ˜‰
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  • Hmm...maybe the boys could install it and help you get even by inviting all their friends over in the wee…
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  • Can I play too? smashing toilet base with hammer to get it out = manly good times carting said toilet…
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  • Wow.  What wonderful guys! Maybe they can work a hot tub into their plans...
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  • We have cool and blue here too.  I'm trying not to look though, because I have work deadlines and a…
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  • It's airing here in the Philly suburbs.   Swiftboating: it's not just for Republicans anymore.
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  • That's a drag.  Once I have everything picked out, I want it finished yesterday! The tub replacement is going to…
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  • Ooh, have you picked out what you want yet?  Are you getting a new sink too?  I splurged on Corian…
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  • Wow!  Congrats! I fell asleep last night around 9:40, and slept until a few minutes ago.  And I'm barely awake…
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  • I have a new sink and toilet installed in my bathroom!  I almost can't wait to use it.
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  • Here's the Cliffnotes version: TPM Cafe Glad you had a nice weekend away from the hoopla.  Maybe we can catch…
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