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    Those clips almost make me fee sympathetic towards Bill..almost.
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  • it seems we're just all either stupid naive little children or big bad misogynist pricks if we're not voting for…
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  • That's what makes her whole "He's always wanted to be president, just ask his kindergarten teacher" schtick so ridiculous.  They…
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  • From the look of things, ordinary blah has it.  Plus, it's the last week of the month, so I have…
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  • I know you'll have fun tonight.  When do you head back to the woods? I remember the weirdness of suddenly…
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  • Has she attacked any Republican candidate on issues or emotional points?  Why not!  Has she found a tape of McCain…
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  • What a happy looking snow dog.  ðŸ™‚ The days have gotten so much longer - I'm getting up in near…
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  • I'm honestly surprised her campaign staff doesn't have anything better to do than send photos of Obama from 2006 to…
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  • What's happening with the cost of food is downright scary, and I'm not even on a fixed income.  I can't…
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  • I'm betting that Exxon will receive the fruits of Bushco's SCOTUS labors...sealed with kisses from Scalia, Roberts, and Thomas.
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  • McCain's abuse of the public financing system to save his failing campaign, and subsequent attempts at rejecting public financing are…
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  • Nice. Good thing they didn't do it here, they'd probably be rendered to Gitmo.
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  • It's a miracle!  You can see!  ðŸ˜‰ Not at work today, or the image filters are broken?
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  • I was reading some of these "who is selecting the Dem nominee" posts out there this morning, and wondering why…
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  • That is just criminal.   From a budget surplus in the Clinton years to a war-based deficit of that proportion.…
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  • about Josh Marshall's Polk Award: NYT Here's a little piece, but the whole article is pretty short and worth reading…
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  • Ralph Nader is up to his same old crap again? Dude, give it up.  Go get an ego massage somewhere…
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  • heding the Bush call to spend money here and stimulate the economy: WashPo With the dollar near its lowest rate…
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  • Your commitment to your candidate is heartwarming.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Sorry about the Beige Conference Room of Death.  But at least you have something to look forward to later.  ðŸ™‚
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