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    Hi refinish!  How are you this evening?
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  • Turn my back for a minute, and look at the abuse I get...  ðŸ˜‰ Is that a fly in the…
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  • Goals Schmoals. I have a work project I am totally procrastinating about today.  And I am counting the days until…
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  • I'm listening to the Subdudes and cleaning up the house.  Gerald who?  ðŸ™‚
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  • Well, now that I've finished my cappuccino (still have to get that milk-frothing thing down...), I guess it's time to…
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  • Do they have kids?
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  • I have a project I need to finish up today/tomorrow, and something else I should get a start on, but…
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  • I'm so sorry, refinish.   (((refinish)))
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  • I have been (barely) in and out of the cafe this week, and missed that boran.  I'm sorry to hear…
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  • Morning, B2.  Are you working this week, or do you have time off?
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  • Hi Indianadem!  23 degrees sounds pretty chilly to me...we've been having the 50-60 degree stuff for most of December. And…
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  • Is anybody still here?  
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  • Hope you have a wonderful day!
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  • I hope everyone is having as wonderful a morning as we are here at Chez Cabin!  The dogs have new…
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  • Merry Christmas refinish!  And a scratch behind the ears to the Diva Dogs this morning!
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  • I made a fabulous Indian food dinner, aromatic rice and all, and my sweetie is so wiped out he fell…
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  • Damn.  I've been wondering why you won't make substantive comments here, but will at orange, 'cause I miss them!  …
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  • It's okay, I deleted mine!
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  • Great minds...
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  • That was really nice of you.  Waaay back when I worked at the hospital, we had a guy who was…
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