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    some senate races as lost causes: NYT Senior Republican leaders have concluded that Senator Mike DeWine of Ohio, a pivotal…
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  • improves health of bar employees: via MDConsult (subscription required) Banning smoking in public places improves the signs and symptoms of…
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  • I'm dreading that part.  But at least I'll get a couple of hours of work in first thing in the…
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  • Voters making their own choice in the CT primary = the Democratic party "stabbing Lieberman in the back"? How about…
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  • Oh this one looks like it will be action-packed for sure.  2 projects due, a conference call today, orthodontist for…
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  • Dark here too.  And it feels like it only took aout a week for the days to get really short…
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  • Yeah, the fence (or country living) is a key part of slacker dog ownership....
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  • The real joy comes from recognizing it's too chilly to get up and snuggling back into a nice warm bed.
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  • Morning! Sorry to hear about your crappy flights and confrence room.  I'm sure you're glad to be hoome with Jim…
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  • I used to have that Michelle Shocked cd...it was a favorite.
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  • The Dirty Glass - Dropkick Murphys Running - No Doubt One of Us - Joan Osborne To Tell The Truth…
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  • Reminds me of how confident Bush was aout winning Florida in 2000. If the Repubs retain control, there better be…
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  • What, no neon green?
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  • That's a pretty good one too.
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  • See, I knew you were really doing fun errands today...
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  • (click to enlarge)
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  • I know and I'm really really really sorry, but I just had to share it.
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  • that there's also a BooTrib Bookshelf page at Powells with books that have been recommended by Tribbers, if anyone's looking…
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  • They also look quite elegant on the refrigerator.  ðŸ™‚
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  • but here's a joke: Why don't Republicans use bookmarks? Cuz they just bend the pages over.
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