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    wants to take away your Youtube: ArsTechnica YouTube and MySpace may be next on the music industry's hit list, according…
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  • I wish it were hard to believe this is even a real discussio in the US: NYT President Bush and…
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  • Futurama.
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  • Nah.  Wonder bread and marshmellow fluff.  And the Tang, of course. BTW, did you know Tang comes in flavors other…
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  • Your first 3 would be on my list too.   And I love Singing in the Rain.  It was CBtY's…
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  • No Tang sandwiches?
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  • Nothing like a last-minute bout of pseudo-integrity. Where has his conscience been for the last 5 years? I think more…
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  • Gee, who will they vote for in this effort?
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  • That looks like a fun idea.
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  • Speaking of emperors with no clothes, look who else supports Lieberman:  LINK The White House funneled millions of dollars through…
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  • I hope you feel better soon.  Try some yogurt with live cultures for the antibiotic GI upset, and it also…
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  • as the result of a new law passed this summer: BBC Spanish men who refuse to lift a finger around…
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  • I'm hoping things dry out long enough for me to do the loop around lunchtime.  Otherwise, I'll have to hit…
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  • Yep.  Rainy days are good for getting lots of writing done.
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  • about the new Borat movie:  Daily Mail US President George Bush is to host White House talks on British comedian…
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  • not sitting well with most Americans: Think Progress NBC released a poll tonight showing that the majority of Americans object…
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  • The price here has gone from 3.09 to 2.59 in the last 2 weeks. When it was 3.09, I kept…
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  • Good morning AndiF and FM!  (Good night, ManEe.) I'm hoping FMom doesn;t get stubborn and that things go smoothly for…
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  • No worries.  ðŸ™‚
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  • in Iraq: WashPo Nearly 100 people were killed or found dead in a series of bloody incidents throughout the Iraqi…
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