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    While it is true that the ability to see the need, to emphathize and respond, are more characteristic of Democratic…
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  • Thousands of you are reading this, you just don't have anything to add, right?
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  • I assume everyone has seen it by now, and everyone knows we still don't know who will be the new…
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  • Absolutely. I hope somebody like Wolcott embarrasses the media for inflating the Clinton stuff and ignoring this kind of corruption…
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  • I'm going to ignore the Steelers loss and point you to my blog for a recap of press stories and…
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  • Thanks for all the courageous comments. It's important for us to share how we are dealing with our fears, even…
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  • Politics is the art of the possible.  Civil Rights legislation happened for a lot of reasons, but JFK stepping up…
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  • And you're talking about the major urban centers where most of the political power was centered.  My experience is from…
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  • First, a few additions to your history. Few Italian immigrants were Democrats until Al Smith, a Catholic, was nominated by…
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  • The NYTimes reviewer is imposing his own narrow standards on the Dalai Lama's intuitions and exploratory statements.  First of all,…
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  • Let's calm down a little.  There are a lot of things to be very concerned about, but the sudden emergence…
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  • No, it's about the green in the Botoxed Uplifted Wrinkle-eradicated faces of the losers.
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  • I'm sure you have every reason to be concerned.  There are at least two levels to the environmental and health…
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  • This is the time to forcefully advocate the most needed changes, and to make politicians and the public aware of…
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  • We have a secret Social Darwinism operating in this country, and for the sake of those of you who are…
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  • I actually heard this theory discussed in the grocery store the other day (You have to understand that grocery stores…
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  • These kinds of threads, especially by someone as thoughtful as Jerome, are interesting to me because I otherwise don't pay…
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  • What kind of a job is this when a guy can't get a decent summer vacation?  I'm outa here, but…
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  • These are all difficult and complex matters you're discussing. I guess there aren't any blanket answers, but here's how I…
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  • Unless this is a joke everybody gets, it's spelled "the Laffer Curve." Congressional Dems are in the position of demanding…
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